

Apsco and AACO take initiative and hold webinar to raise awareness about industry practices amid the COVID-19 pandemic

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With the current Corona Virus, Apsco and the Arab Air Carriers Organization (AACO) took the initiative of launching a webinar dedicated to raise awareness and provide insight on the current situation as it pertains to the Fuel Suppliers and relevant industry partners. The webinar was conducted by Mr. Muhammad Azzam Siddiqui, HSSE & Training Manager at Apsco, and Mr. Syed Abid Ali, Quality Assurance Manager at Apsco. Together, they covered a number of topics including preventative actions for Ground Service Providers, actions taken by Apsco to minimize the impact of COVID 19 on personnel and operations, JIG guidelines on maintaining equipment integrity during limited operations as well as no operation, and other related topics. The webinar was then concluded with a question and answer session to ensure all participants were informed and up to date.