Apsco can provide support services based on its wide network, close and long relationship with airlines Apsco will respond to Tenders, Contacts, Contracts, negotiate and conclude all Jet Fuel Sales related matters with airlines on behalf of its clients.
The services include:
- Joint Inspection Group (JIG) Inspections Services:
- Into-Plane (ITP) Fueling Operations
- Depot and hydrant Operations.
- Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental Management System Audit (HSSEMS)
- Operation Advisory and Consultation Services:
- Advisory of Fuel handling from Receipt to Wing tip
- Advise on the selection and commissioning of aviation fuel equipment
- Advise on interpretation of provided manuals
- Providing Training such as but not limited to:
- Standard Aviation Fuel Handling Training (Fuel receipts, Storage handling, Into- Plane Operations, Stock Control Overview).
- Aviation Fuel Quality Control (Jet Fuel specifications, Filtration systems, Sampling requirements, Millipore tests, Recertification tests).
- Aviation Maintenance (Depots, Fueling Equipment e.g. Meter Calibration, PCV test, Filter inspection and change, Hose Hydrostatic test, Pressure Gauge Calibration, Pressure Relief Valve Tests, Components repairing and overhauling).
- Engineering Consultation and Commissioning Services:
- Design review in compliance with JIG / EI Standards.
- Review of the ability of the system expansion / fuel depot supply capacity to meet future demand.
- Provide detailed commissioning procedures for Aviation fuel systems.
- Conduct Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) and Pre-Startup Safety Review Study (PSSR).
- Provision and review of technical specifications.
Procurement Supply services for all types of Fueling Equipment and spare parts
- Support services:
- Apsco can provide marketing services based on its wide network, close and long relationship with airlines
- Apsco will respond to Tenders, Contacts, Contracts, negotiate and conclude all Jet Fuel Sales related matters with airlines on behalf of its clients.