

Apsco delegate, Engr. Muhammad Azam Siddiqui, has been re-elected for the JIG HSSE Committee.

Apsco feel great honor and pride in announcing that Engr. Muhammad Azam Siddiqui will be representing the company in the JIG HSSE Committee for the next two years.
He has also been representing Apsco in JIG HSSE committee since 2018. He proved his worth to be reelected for the next term, through his knowledge, experience, hard work, dedication and commitment.

The Joint Inspection Group (JIG), founded in the early 1970’s, It is the leading worldwide provider of refueling operating standards, which is also approved by IATA and A4A. JIG is also the only standard to have a compulsory requirement for a Safety Management System and is also referenced as a target standard in ICAO 9977. In the 90’s it was endorsed by the Airline Community, and today JIG has expanded to over 100 members operating 2500 airports. JIG has now become the most widely adopted worldwide aviation standard and already introduced JIG 1, JIG 2, JIG 4, JIG HSSEMS and EI / JIG 1530

As far as the JIG committee elections are concerned, initially committee members were only comprises of representatives from JIG Guarantor members, however, since last couple of years, very selected candidates from JIG Associate members, based on their qualification, experience and skills, are also allowed to participate in JIG committees.

This time only one candidate is required to be selected for each committee. 26 Candidates from all over the world from various aviation organizations were short listed for different JIG committees, however, only 4 candidates need to be selected. The selection was made based on the highest number of nominations from the JIG members from all across the globe. For the JIG HSSE committee, Engr. Azam Siddiqui got the highest number of nominations and being re-elected to fill the HSSE committee position.

As a member of the HSSE Committee, Engr. Azam Siddiqui’s responsibilities include attending committee meetings , participation in all the discussion and sharing related experience, sharing best practices, highlighting local and regional challenges, offline work done by the committee for the JIG members’ HSSE matters, participating in reviewing JIG standards, development of Learning from Incidents (LFOs), development and reviewing Bulletins, and sharing lessons learnt based on relevant experience.

We look forward to seeing Engr. Azam raising Apsco’s flag through his active participation in all the JIG HSSE committee meetings and other global events.