Apsco received approval to start fueling operations at Cairo International Airport in addition to other regional and domestic airports in Egypt. Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister Tarek el Molla approved Apsco to proceed with fueling operations in the country in Egypt’s Cairo international airport, which is Egyptair’s main point of operations as well as over 65 international airlines. With plans to expand and become a passenger and cargo hub for the MENA region, Cairo International Airport is updating development and expanding with several projects in the pipeline. The projects will expand the efficiency and prestige of the site and will include multiple amenities such as multi-story car park, an upgraded land-side façade of Terminal 1, support facilities for cargo traffic and other functional and touristic improvements
Apsco has met the high standards imposed in order to complete enrolment for the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation’s (EGPC) aviation fueling license and was commended on Thursday 27, October by Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister Tarek el Molla, who showed his admiration for Apsco’s company business profile, achieved milestones, and years of aviation experience across various fields. Apsco’s Managing Director, responded in kind, assuring that Apsco was keen to achieve mutually beneficial objectives, of which some related to refueling procedures, automation, and CO2 reduction, along with the prospects of developing future plans to propel the brand while properly serving clients across all Egyptian airports. Apsco reaffirmed its enthusiasm to his Excellency regarding the mutual goals and marked this as the first step to serve as the bedrock of a prosperous mutual investment and joint cooperation between two vision sharing partners.